Source code for tissue_purifier.models.ssl_models.barlow

from typing import List
import torch
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from pytorch_lightning.utilities.distributed import sync_ddp_if_available  # wrapper around torch.distributed.all_reduce
from import File
from ._resnet_backbone import make_resnet_backbone
from ._ssl_base_model import SslModelBase
from tissue_purifier.plots.plot_misc import show_corr_matrix
from tissue_purifier.models._optim_scheduler import LARS, linear_warmup_and_cosine_protocol

[docs]class BarlowModel(SslModelBase): """ Barlow self supervised learning model. Inspired by the `BarlowTwin official implementation <>`_ and this `Barlow pytorch lightning reimplementation <>`_. """ def __init__( self, # architecture backbone_type: str, image_in_ch: int, head_hidden_chs: List[int], head_out_ch: int, # loss lambda_off_diagonal: float, # optimizer optimizer_type: str, # scheduler warm_up_epochs: int, warm_down_epochs: int, max_epochs: int, min_learning_rate: float, max_learning_rate: float, min_weight_decay: float, max_weight_decay: float, # validation val_iomin_threshold: float = 0.0, **kwargs, ): """ Args: backbone_type: Either 'resnet18', 'resnet34' or 'resnet50' image_in_ch: number of channels in the input images, used to adjust the first convolution filter in the backbone head_hidden_chs: List of integers with the size of the hidden layers of the projection head head_out_ch: output dimension of the projection head lambda_off_diagonal: multiplicative factor for the off diagonal elements in the loss. Usually << 1. optimizer_type: Either 'adamw', 'lars', 'sgd', 'adam' or 'rmsprop' warm_up_epochs: epochs during which to linearly increase learning rate (at the beginning of training) warm_down_epochs: epochs during which to anneal learning rate with cosine protocoll (at the end of training) max_epochs: total number of epochs min_learning_rate: minimum learning rate (at the very beginning and end of training) max_learning_rate: maximum learning rate (after linear ramp) min_weight_decay: minimum weight decay (during the entirety of the linear ramp) max_weight_decay: maximum weight decay (reached at the end of training) val_iomin_threshold: during validation, only patches with Intersection Over MinArea < IoMin_threshold are used. Should be in [0.0, 1.0). If 0 only strictly non-overlapping patches are allowed. """ super(BarlowModel, self).__init__(val_iomin_threshold=val_iomin_threshold) # Next two lines will make checkpointing much simpler. Always keep them as-is self.save_hyperparameters() # all hyperparameters are saved to the checkpoint self.neptune_run_id = None # if from scratch neptune_experiment_is is None # architecture self.backbone = make_resnet_backbone( backbone_in_ch=image_in_ch, backbone_type=backbone_type) tmp_in = torch.zeros((1, image_in_ch, 64, 64)) tmp_out = self.backbone(tmp_in) backbone_ch_out = tmp_out.shape[1] self.projection = self.init_projection( ch_in=backbone_ch_out, ch_hidden=head_hidden_chs, ch_out=head_out_ch) # Use bn to center and scale the feature across multiple-gpus self.bn_final = torch.nn.BatchNorm1d(head_out_ch, affine=False) # loss self.lambda_off_diagonal = lambda_off_diagonal self.cross_corr = None # optimizer self.optimizer_type = optimizer_type # scheduler assert warm_up_epochs + warm_down_epochs <= max_epochs self.learning_rate_fn = linear_warmup_and_cosine_protocol( f_values=(min_learning_rate, max_learning_rate, min_learning_rate), x_milestones=(0, warm_up_epochs, max_epochs - warm_down_epochs, max_epochs)) self.weight_decay_fn = linear_warmup_and_cosine_protocol( f_values=(min_weight_decay, min_weight_decay, max_weight_decay), x_milestones=(0, warm_up_epochs, max_epochs - warm_down_epochs, max_epochs)) @staticmethod def init_projection( ch_in: int, ch_out: int, ch_hidden: List[int] = None): sizes = [ch_in] + ch_hidden + [ch_out] layers = [] for i in range(len(sizes) - 2): layers.append(torch.nn.Linear(sizes[i], sizes[i + 1], bias=False)) layers.append(torch.nn.BatchNorm1d(sizes[i + 1])) layers.append(torch.nn.ReLU(inplace=True)) layers.append(torch.nn.Linear(sizes[-2], sizes[-1], bias=False)) return torch.nn.Sequential(*layers)
[docs] @classmethod def add_specific_args(cls, parent_parser): """ Utility functions which add parameters to argparse to simplify setting up a CLI Example: >>> import sys >>> import argparse >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False, conflict_handler='resolve') >>> parser = BarlowModel.add_specific_args(parser) >>> args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) """ parser = ArgumentParser(parents=[parent_parser], add_help=False, conflict_handler='resolve') # validation parser.add_argument("--val_iomin_threshold", type=float, default=0.0, help="during validation, only patches with IoMinArea < IoMin_threshold are used " "in the kn-classifier and kn-regressor.") # architecture parser.add_argument("--image_in_ch", type=int, default=3, help="number of channels in the input images") parser.add_argument("--backbone_type", type=str, default="resnet34", help="backbone type", choices=['resnet18', 'resnet34', 'resnet50']) parser.add_argument("--head_hidden_chs", type=int, nargs='+', default=[2048, 2048], help="List of integers. Hidden channels in projection head.") parser.add_argument("--head_out_ch", type=int, default=2048, help="head output channels") # loss parser.add_argument("--lambda_off_diagonal", type=float, default=5e-3, help="lambda multiplying off diagonal elements in the loss") # optimizer parser.add_argument("--optimizer_type", type=str, default='adam', help="optimizer type", choices=['adamw', 'lars', 'sgd', 'adam', 'rmsprop']) # scheduler parser.add_argument("--max_epochs", default=1000, type=int, help="Total number of epochs in training.") parser.add_argument("--warm_up_epochs", default=100, type=int, help="Number of epochs for the linear learning-rate warm up.") parser.add_argument("--warm_down_epochs", default=500, type=int, help="Number of epochs for the cosine decay.") parser.add_argument('--min_learning_rate', type=float, default=1e-5, help="Target LR at the end of cosine protocol (smallest LR used during training).") parser.add_argument("--max_learning_rate", type=float, default=5e-4, help="learning rate at the end of linear ramp (largest LR used during training).") parser.add_argument('--min_weight_decay', type=float, default=0.04, help="Minimum value of the weight decay. It is used during the linear ramp.") parser.add_argument('--max_weight_decay', type=float, default=0.4, help="Maximum Value of the weight decay. It is reached at the end of cosine protocol.") return parser
[docs] @classmethod def get_default_params(cls) -> dict: """ Get the default configuration parameters for this model Example: >>> config = BarlowModel.get_default_params() >>> my_barlow = BarlowModel(**config) """ parser = ArgumentParser() parser = BarlowModel.add_specific_args(parser) args = parser.parse_args(args=[]) return args.__dict__
def on_validation_epoch_start(self) -> None: if self.global_rank == 0 and self.cross_corr is not None: corr_matrix_plot = show_corr_matrix(data=self.cross_corr.detach().clone(), show_colorbar=True, sup_title="epoch {0}".format(self.current_epoch))["corr_matrix"].log(File.as_image(corr_matrix_plot)) def forward(self, x) -> torch.Tensor: # this is the stuff that will generate the backbone embeddings y = self.backbone(x) # shape (batch, ch) return y def head_and_backbone_embeddings_step(self, x): # this generates both head and backbone embeddings y = self(x) # shape: (batch, ch) z = self.projection(y) # shape: (batch, latent) return z, y def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx) -> dict: with torch.no_grad(): list_imgs, list_labels, list_metadata = batch x1 = self.trsfm_train_global(list_imgs) x2 = self.trsfm_train_global(list_imgs) # forward is inside the no-grad context z1, y1 = self.head_and_backbone_embeddings_step(x1) z2, y2 = self.head_and_backbone_embeddings_step(x2) # empirical cross-correlation matrix # note that batch-norm are syncronized therefore mean and std are computed across all devices corr_tmp = self.bn_final(z1).T @ self.bn_final(z2) # shape: (latent, latent) batch_size_per_gpu = float(z1.shape[0]) batch_size_total = sync_ddp_if_available(torch.tensor(z1.shape[0], device=z1.device, dtype=torch.float), group=None, reduce_op='sum') # sum across devices corr_sum = sync_ddp_if_available(corr_tmp, group=None, reduce_op='sum') # sum across devices corr = corr_sum / batch_size_total # divide by total batch size self.cross_corr = corr.detach() # this is for logging # compute the loss mask_diag = torch.eye(corr.shape[-1], dtype=torch.bool, device=corr.device) on_diag = corr[mask_diag].add_(-1.0).pow_(2).sum() off_diag = corr[~mask_diag].pow_(2).sum() loss = on_diag + self.lambda_off_diagonal * off_diag # Update the optimizer parameters and log stuff with torch.no_grad(): lr = self.learning_rate_fn(self.current_epoch) wd = self.weight_decay_fn(self.current_epoch) for i, pg in enumerate(self.optimizers().param_groups): pg["lr"] = lr if i == 0: # only the first group is regularized pg["weight_decay"] = wd else: pg["weight_decay"] = 0.0 # Finally I log interesting stuff self.log('train_loss', loss, on_step=False, on_epoch=True, rank_zero_only=True, batch_size=1) self.log('weight_decay', wd, on_step=False, on_epoch=True, rank_zero_only=True, batch_size=1) self.log('learning_rate', lr, on_step=False, on_epoch=True, rank_zero_only=True, batch_size=1) self.log('batch_size_per_gpu_train', batch_size_per_gpu, on_step=False, on_epoch=True, rank_zero_only=True) self.log('batch_size_total_train', batch_size_total, on_step=False, on_epoch=True, rank_zero_only=True) return loss def configure_optimizers(self) -> torch.optim.Optimizer: regularized = [] not_regularized = [] for name, param in list(self.backbone.named_parameters()) + list(self.projection.named_parameters()): if not param.requires_grad: continue # we do not regularize biases nor Norm parameters if name.endswith(".bias") or len(param.shape) == 1: not_regularized.append(param) else: regularized.append(param) arg_for_optimizer = [{'params': regularized}, {'params': not_regularized, 'weight_decay': 0.0}] # The real lr will be set in the training step # The weight_decay for the regularized group will be set in the training step if self.optimizer_type == 'adam': return torch.optim.Adam(arg_for_optimizer, betas=(0.9, 0.999), lr=0.0) elif self.optimizer_type == 'sgd': return torch.optim.SGD(arg_for_optimizer, momentum=0.9, lr=0.0) elif self.optimizer_type == 'rmsprop': return torch.optim.RMSprop(arg_for_optimizer, alpha=0.99, lr=0.0) elif self.optimizer_type == 'lars': # for convnet with large batch_size return LARS(arg_for_optimizer, momentum=0.9, lr=0.0) else: # do adamw raise Exception("optimizer is misspecified")