Source code for tissue_purifier.plots.plot_knn

import torch
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from typing import Tuple, Union, List
from tissue_purifier.utils.validation_util import compute_distance_embedding
from .plot_images import _show_raw_all_channels, _get_color_tensor

[docs]def plot_knn_examples( input_dict: dict, embedding_key: str, image_key: str, n_neighbors: int = 3, examples: Union[int, List[int]] = 6, metric: str = "euclidean", cmap: "matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap" =, figsize: Tuple[int, int] = None, plot_histogram: bool = False, max_distance: float = None, **kargs): """ NEED TO BE REARRANGED b/c INTERFACE HAS CHANGED Args: input_dict: dictionary with the images of the crops and their embeddings embedding_key: str, key corresponding to the embeddings in the input_dict (or distance_matrix if :attr:'metric' == 'precomputed') image_key: str, key corresponding to the images in the input_dict n_neighbors: int, how many nearest neighbour to plot examples: either a list of int with the index of the example whose nearest neighbour to show or an int. If an int, the example will be selected at random. metric: which metric to use. Either "euclidean", "cosine" or "contrastive" cmap: the colormap to use for plotting figsize: size of the image. Default to None plot_histogram: if true, the histogram of distances is shown max_distance: float, if given distances larger than this value will be excluded from the histogram. kargs: additional parameter which will be passed to matplotlib.hist() function. For example 'bins=50', 'density=True'. Return: a matplotlib figure with example fo knn neighbours. """ # TODO: need to be rearranged b/c interface has changed raise NotImplementedError assert embedding_key in input_dict.keys(), "Embedding_key = {0} is not present in input_dict.".format(embedding_key) assert image_key in input_dict.keys(), "Image_key = {0} is not present in input_dict.".format(image_key) assert metric == "euclidean" or "metric" == 'cosine' assert len(input_dict[embedding_key]) == len(input_dict[image_key]) embeddings = input_dict[embedding_key] # get some random samples if isinstance(examples, int): num_examples = examples samples_idx = torch.randperm(embeddings.shape[0], device=embeddings.device)[:num_examples].long() elif isinstance(examples, list) and isinstance(examples[0], int): num_examples = len(examples) samples_idx = torch.tensor(examples).to(embeddings.device).long() else: raise Exception("examples is neither a int nor a list of int") # compute pairwise-distances using broadcasting distances = compute_distance_embedding( ref_embeddings=embeddings[samples_idx], other_embeddings=embeddings, metric=metric) distances_nn, index_nn = torch.topk(distances, k=n_neighbors, largest=False, sorted=True, dim=-1) # get the colors if input_dict[image_key].shape[-3] == 3: # if channels == 3 does not need to multiply by color tensor colors = None else: ch = input_dict[image_key].shape[-3] if cmap is None: colors = _get_color_tensor('tab20', ch) else: colors = _get_color_tensor(cmap, ch) colors =[image_key].device).float() # make the images 3 channels tensors = input_dict[image_key][index_nn] # torch.Size([n_examples, n_neighbours, ch, w, h]) if colors is None: imgs = tensors.detach().clone().cpu() else: imgs = torch.einsum('...cwh,cj->...jwh', tensors, colors).detach().clone().cpu() # plot the randomly picked examples and their neighbours nrow = num_examples ncol = n_neighbors + 1 if plot_histogram else n_neighbors figsize = (4 * ncol, 4 * nrow) if figsize is None else figsize fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=ncol, nrows=nrow, figsize=figsize) for r in range(num_examples): for c in range(n_neighbors): ax_curr = ax[r, c] dist = distances_nn[r, c] _ = _show_raw_all_channels( tensor=imgs[r, c], ax=ax_curr, title="dist = {0:.4}".format(dist)) ax_curr.set_axis_off() if plot_histogram: ax_curr = ax[r, -1] dist_tmp = distances[r].flatten().detach() if max_distance is not None: dist_hist = dist_tmp[dist_tmp < max_distance].cpu().numpy() else: dist_hist = dist_tmp.cpu().numpy() ax_curr.hist(dist_hist, **kargs) ax_curr.set_title("Hist distances") fig.tight_layout() plt.close(fig) return fig